
Partner Interview Series: Tyler McClendon of Dentist on Demand

Zak Pines
September 1, 2020
Min Read

Our VP of Partnerships Zak Pines recently interviewed Tyler McClendon of Dentist on Demand as part of our ongoing Partner Interview Series. Zak and Tyler had a conversation about how Tyler’s company is improving the patient experience for dental practices. Here’s an abridged transcript of the chat.

Dentist on Demand Background

Zak: Dentist on Demand…. catchy name. What can you tell us about it?

Tyler: We’ve created an easy way for people to learn about a dentist before having to go to the dentist. You can find dentists in your neighborhood with a zip code search and learn about the clinician before needing to go into their office.

Zak: Where did your idea for this come from?

Tyler: I saw about five years ago a service called Doctors on Demand—a way to speak to a doctor via phone or computer. Medical and dental are two different areas, though, so I thought it’d be great to apply that idea to dentists. Low and behold, I got a hold of the web domain And now five years later, it has evolved to what it is today, where in addition to finding a dentist, a patient can also speak to a dentist virtually. Our geographic focus today is Vancouver, Canada, and we will be expanding in the Pacific Northwest and then more from there.

Zak: What are the main components of the site?

Tyler: There is a search function, and we charge dentists a nominal fee to be listed on the site where they can be found. There’s a virtual consultation tool that they can use as part of Dentist on Demand and also install on their website. And now through our partnership with Formstack, we’ve launched the ability for dentists to use HIPAA compliant forms to manage their patient experience and processes within their practice.

Zak: What are the top forms you’re seeing dentists using?

Tyler: One of our customers is Brookswood Denture Clinic Ltd., and you can see they have digital forms available on their website, including a patient medical form, a COVID screening form, and a patient referral form. We also see dentists digitizing medical or dental history, medical release, prospective referral, specialist referral, and SMILE design release forms.

Zak: I know COVID has been incredibly hard on the entire industry.

Tyler: Yes it has. Most practices are producing at a diminished capacity and have had to put thought into how they want to restructure their practice. We’re trying to help make processes smoother and easier during that transition, while improving access to dental care for patients.

Improving the Patient Experience with HIPAA Compliant Forms & Virtual Appointments

Zak: What is the experience like for patients using Dentist on Demand?

Tyler: Instead of filling out forms in an office, they can fill those out right online ahead of their visit. So it’s a far better patient experience. And consultations can also be fully virtual using our widget. Every new patient starts with a consultation, so those can now be done digitally. Many patients are looking for consultation around the aesthetics of their smile. That can now be done through a virtual meeting with a qualified dentist.

Zak: All HIPAA compliant too?

Tyler: That’s right. The forms are all HIPAA compliant through Formstack, which includes a Business Associate Agreement with every one of our customers. The BAA is a great way to ensure all of our clients are following HIPAA compliance. This makes Dentist on Demand unique, as I don’t think there are many other digital forms providers offering BAAs to their customers.

Once the digital forms are collected, the patient can schedule a virtual appointment via our HIPAA compliant Zoom meeting scheduling tool.

Zak: Why did you choose Formstack as your digital forms partner?

Tyler: Formstack has the top security features for securing data. It’s also more than forms; it helps the dentists take the diagnostic process to the next level. We can push alerts to a dentist based on guidelines, so they can jump right into a conversation with that patient as they fill out forms. These guidelines also help us increase case acceptance, and in turn, increase the value of the treatment to patients.

Zak: Where do you see Dentist on Demand, say, a year from now?

Tyler: I want Dentist on Demand to be a household name. Search engines are great, but I think there needs to be a search experience completely tailored for dentistry.

Lightning Round

Zak: Pivoting to the lightning round, what are some of your personal interests or hobbies?

Tyler: I was an actor for 15 years in film and television. I like to teach my son how to edit and create his own movies. Also, we’re Canadian, so of course we play hockey.

Zak: Do you have a productivity tip you can share?

Tyler: I’m a big list guy. I get into the office around 5 a.m. and set lists for myself. I always have two or three key things I want to achieve.

Zak: What is your favorite TV show?

Tyler: Interestingly, I don’t watch much TV. Even when I was an actor, I didn’t watch much TV. I do like documentaries and nature shows.

Zak: Were you in shows or movies we’d know?

Tyler: “Love Happens” with Jennifer Anniston and some early-2000s TV—“Stargate Atlantis” and “Smallville”

Zak: What is your go-to lunch during the workday?

Tyler: Sushi

Zak: Last question: Is a hot dog a sandwich?

Tyer: No, it has no crust.

Zak: Tyler, thanks for chatting. And best of luck with serving the dental community.

Tyler: Thanks, Zak.

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Zak Pines
Zak is the VP of Partnerships at Formstack, where he focuses on growing agency, consultant, and technology partnerships for the company. He's been creating, marketing, and selling SaaS products for two decades.
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